Revenue Note for Guidance

The content shown on this page is a Note for Guidance produced by the Irish Revenue Commissioners. To view the section of legislation to which the Note for Guidance applies, click the link below:

Revenue Note for Guidance


Special Savings Incentive Accounts


Part 36A contains sections 848B to 848U, which set out the provisions governing an incentivised savings scheme for individuals.

This new scheme known as “Special Savings Incentive Accounts” (SSIAs) commenced on the 1st of May 2001 and every eligible person is entitled to start such an account during the following 12 months. The main features of the scheme are as follows —

Further information about this scheme is also available. Leaflet CG12 “Special Savings Incentive Account” and notes for guidance “Guidance notes for qualifying savings managers in relation to the management of Special Savings Incentive Accounts” (revised in August 2001) outline the scheme in detail. Finally, regulations, as provided for in section 848S, came into effect on 1 May 2001 (S.I. No. 176 of 2001).

848B Interpretation


This section gives the meaning of some of the more important terms used in this Part.



(1) The more significant definitions set out for the purposes of the Special Savings Incentive Accounts (SSIAs) are as follows —

deposit account” is an account beneficially owned by an individual which is either an account into which a deposit (within the meaning of section 256(1)) is made; or an account with a relevant European institution into which repayable funds are lodged.

PPS Number” is the number formerly known as the Revenue and Social Insurance Number. Every individual is allocated such a number by the Department of Social, Community and Family Affairs (now the Department of Social and Family Affairs).

qualifying assets” are the assets which can be acquired using funds lodged to an SSIA. These assets can be deposit accounts, credit union shares, units in an investment undertaking, life assurance policies, quoted shares or government securities.

qualifying individual” is an individual who is tax resident in the State and 18 years of age or over; (such individuals can have an SSIA).

qualifying savings manager” is the person who can act as the manager of SSIAs. Such persons can be —

  • a bank;
  • a building society;
  • the Post Office Savings Bank and the National Treasury Management Agency;
  • a Credit Union;
  • an investment undertaking;
  • a life assurance company;
  • a stockbroker; and
  • investment companies.

Authorisation of savings manager

(2) The legislation does not give to any savings manager (as defined above) an authorisation to provide services which they are not otherwise authorised to provide.

Prohibition of assignment or transfer of life assurance policies

(3) A life assurance policy acquired by a savings manager as an asset of an SSIA is prohibited from being capable of assignment or transfer.

Relevant Date: Finance Act 2019