Revenue Note for Guidance
This section sets out the place of supply rules for intra-Community acquisitions (ICAs). The basic rule is that the place of supply of an ICA is the Member State where the transportation ends. However, if the customer acquiring the goods uses a VAT number issued by a different Member State, then (except in the case of triangular transactions, see next paragraph) the place of supply is the Member State that issued the number, unless the customer can prove that the VAT was paid in the Member State where the transportation ended.
A triangular transaction involves 3 Member States – for example a supplier in Member State A sells goods to a customer registered for VAT in Member State B but, at the request of the customer, delivers them to Member State C. In this case, the intra-Community acquisition is potentially liable to tax in two Member States - the place of actual delivery (C) and the place where the purchaser is registered for VAT (B). There is a special provision in this section to provide that triangular transactions are taxed once in the Community, thus avoiding possible double taxation.
(1) The place where an intra-Community acquisition occurs is the Member State where the dispatch or transportation ends.
(2) Without prejudice to the core rule on ICA place of supply above, subsection (2) provides that the ICA occurs in the Member State that issued the VAT number cited by the customer for the purpose of the ICA, unless the customer can prove that VAT was paid in the Member State where the dispatch or transportation ends.
(3) The provisions in subsection (2) do not apply where:
Example: A (Irish trader, in Ireland) supplies to B (UK trader) but delivers the goods directly to C (French trader).
Relevant Date: Finance Act 2019