Revenue to Target Construction Industry Sector in 2006
Over the course of a debate at the Public Accounts Committee on 20 October last, the Revenue Chairman, Mr Frank Daly, indicated that Revenue was planning to focus significant audit resources towards the construction industry in 2006. He stated:
“The process of doing our business planning for 2006 is at an advanced stage. I expect that at least 20% or 25% of our audit resources and interventions in compliance will be focused on the construction industry next year. It is part of Revenue's new approach, namely, there will be a sectoral approach from year to year depending on the risk we identify in particular sectors. This year, we are focusing for a time on the fishing industry and have brought in a good yield. We focused on hairdressing in certain areas and got a good yield. We focused on events and concerts and got good yields. It is a new approach to a certain extent. We take a sector, identify a risk, put resources into it, get a result and move on to something else. Unfortunately, there will always be something else to move on to.”