TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

Finance Bill 2006

Finance Bill 2006 introduced a range of measures which will have direct, and perhaps negative impact on our members both in industry and in practice. Members will be aware of our pre-Budget representations. We were in correspondence with the Minister in advance of the publication of the Finance Bill – our submission covering matters including the abolition of the remittance basis of taxation, pensions matters and work in progress is reproduced below at 2.01. The Bill has also given rise to practical issues, for example in terms of how the abolition of the remittance basis, and new PAYE and RCT rules are to operate. Our correspondence with Revenue on these matters is reproduced at 2.02.

The Finance Bill reached Committee Stage in the Dail on 21 February and a number of amendments were made. Many of these are technical or drafting in nature. The more substantial amendments include:

There were also some changes regarding tax relief on inter-group loans and leasing ring-fence provisions.

An eBrief, no. 9/2006 sets out Revenue responses to practical issues arising from the abolition of the remittance basis which had been highlighted in several quarters, not least through TALC by ICAI and other representative bodies. This is set out at 2.03 below. While the Revenue responses are quite comprehensive, it is understood that there are further points which will be clarified as appropriate.