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Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

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CCCTB - Update of 12 December Meeting

The ICAI has expressed serious reservations about EU Commission plans to impose a Common Consolidated Corporate Tax Base (CCCTB) on all Member States. This would mean that groups of companies would pay tax on their profits calculated on a common set of rules, no matter where they operated. The Member States would then divide out the tax between them.

The Commission convened a meeting of tax experts from the 25 Member States on 12 December to discuss the proposals. ICAI was invited to provide the sole Irish expert representative. ICAI have been monitoring the progress of this EU project since its inception and this meeting gave an opportunity to present members’ views directly to Commission Officials.

The following aspects were discussed at the meeting:

It is fair to say that consensus was not reached on any point, except that adopting any form of common consolidated tax base should be optional for groups of companies – yet another set of rules to deal with! ICAI argued in particular that: