Finance Bill 2008
The Finance Bill 2008 was published on Thursday, 31 January 2008.
A special analysis has been prepared of the measures introduced in the Finance Bill and is reproduced in Section 2.01.
This year, it seems that the Finance Bill process will work to an even tighter timescale than before. With Easter being unusually early, there will be an additional constraint on available Dáil time and the Finance Bill should be enacted within four months of Budget Day.
ICAI, under the umbrella body CCAB-I, made its annual Pre Finance Bill Submission to the Minister for Finance. The Pre Finance Bill Submission 2008 is reproduced at Section 2.02. The success of those representations is noted in the Finance Bill analysis.
ICAI offers the most complete representation service on tax legislative issues for Chartered Accountants –
- Pre Budget Submission
- Pre Finance Bill Submission
- Meetings and discussions with the Minister and senior Finance and Revenue officials
- Clarifications issued through eNews and Tax.Point
- Ongoing monitoring and representations on issues raised by Chartered Accountants throughout the year