Revenue Audit Focus
CCAB-I understands, through TALC, that Revenue's 2008 compliance program is now focusing on a number of specific aspects of tax compliance, including PRTB registration as follows:
- Border Midland and West Region Revenue Offices will look at Section 13B certificates and the deductibility of interest relief referenced to landlord registration with the Private Residential Tenancies Board.
- Dublin Region Revenue Offices will look at Directors Loan Accounts.
- The program for prosecution in respect of non- filing of RCT35s has commenced.
- The national CGT Risk Project is currently focusing on a selection of cases with following characteristics:
- with large payments,
- medium sized gains,
- losses forward,
- multiple disposals (excluding property dealers and construction related cases where possible)
- multiple disposals by architects, auctioneers, and solicitors.
- Under the Offshore Investigation Project, 500 to 1,000 letters will issue in May in respect of offshore accounts arising from information obtained from financial institutions on foot of High Court Orders.
tax.point will continue to report on Revenue's audit focus and progress in the coming editions.