PAYE Deadline of 19 May
HMRC were urging employers to submit PAYE end-of-year returns on time or face the penalty. In addition, they outlined the circumstances where employer tax returns could be filed on CD-Rom.
Returning 2007/08 Employer Annual Return online from 2008 CD-ROM
You could have sent your 2007–08 Return online from the CD-ROM if:
- you have registered to use HMRC online services
- you have used the P11 Calculator on the 2007 CD- ROM to calculate pay and tax for all employees
- you are using the P11 Calculator for 9 current employees or less at 5 April
- you transfer your 2007–08 P11 details onto your new 2008 CD-ROM before making the final payment for the year
You could not use the CD-ROM to send:
- part returns
- amendments
- P38As
- cessation returns for 2008–09
Further information is available at