VAT Online Alert for Businesses and Agents
HMRC plan to phase out the use of paper VAT returns from 1 April 2010, when businesses with an annual turnover of £100,000 or more excluding VAT, and all newly registered VAT businesses, will be required to file their VAT returns online and make payments electronically. Paper returns will still be an option for the remaining VAT registered businesses, but this will be reviewed in the run up to 2012.
HMRC will run events designed for VAT registered businesses to enrol for VAT Online and other online services. Events are scheduled as follows:
- Coventry 29 September 2009
- Glasgow 18 November 2009
- Cardiff 26 November 2009
- Belfast 2 December 2009
- London 8 & 9 December 2009
Email marketing online for an electronic booking form, in the subject heading enter your preferred location and VAT Online Event. You can also find out more about filing your VAT return online at VAT-online.
Further details are available at