- HMRC National Statistics: Tax Receipts and Taxpayers
- Change to Handling of Agent Authorisation Form 648
- Draft Legislation to Prevent the Abuse of Double Taxation Relief Rules
- HMRC Issues Brief 67/09 on the Implications of the ECJ Tellmer Case
- Property Transactions Statistics
- The Bahamas: Tax Information Exchange Agreement
- Offshore Accounts and Assets Disclosure Extension of Deadline
- Intrastat Changes from 1 January 2010
- Corporation Tax (CT) Online Service Updates
- Corporation Tax on Chargeable Gains Indexation Allowance: October 2009
- Consultation on Associated Company Rules
- New Penalties for Late Payment of PAYE
- Guidance on Capital Gains Tax FA 2008 Changes
- Amendments to Debt Cap Rules
- VAT: Return of Standard Rate to 17.5% on 1 January 2010
- VAT: Place of Supply of Services New Rules