Tax Payment Difficulties – Revenue Put in Place “Refined Streamlined Approach”
Revenue have published guidance documents which set out a revised approach for dealing with individuals and businesses experiencing difficulties in meeting their tax payment obligations. The documents clarify the procedures involved and as such are helpful.
In cases where a taxpayer is not in a position to make payment of a tax debt in one lump sum, the taxpayer may apply for a phased payment arrangement. Revenue have published on their website guidance notes on their approach to the collection of tax debts and applying for a phased payment arrangement. An online calculator tool, which may assist in working out the exact monthly repayment schedule that would arise with any particular phased payment proposal, has also been designed by Revenue.
Chartered Accountants Ireland, through the TALC forum, has been engaging with Revenue in recent months on tax collection and Revenue's approach to dealing with taxpayers experiencing tax payment difficulties. The Institute will continue to engage with Revenue on this matter and any developments will be reported in tax.point.