TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

HMRC Information Sessions-What Do You Want to Learn?

Now that the 31 January deadline is over and remains fresh in the mind we are asking our members what would make your life easier as a practitioner and what do you need to know about HMRC? We are currently working directly with HMRC to develop some information sessions to be held in Northern Ireland over the next few months. This is your opportunity to shape your direct relationship with HMRC and get the most out of these vital sessions.

At the sessions, we hope to hear first-hand from HMRC about what's happening internally and how it could impact on your practice. But as part of that we are asking our members what they need to know and what would help make their life easier as tax agents.

By way of background, feedback received from members on HMRC service levels resulted in a submission last year on your behalf. Following on from that submission a number of direct meetings were held with HMRC the most recent of which was in November last. At that meeting it was clear that our members would benefit from some information sessions on HMRC's current structures and how to best to interface with those structures when dealing with compliance issues. Please contact the Tax Department at Chartered Accountants Ireland with your ideas.