Public Consultation on Tax Residence Rules
The Minister for Finance has launched a consultation on possible revisions to the current residence rules for the taxation of individuals. The consultation comes on foot of recommendations made in the Commission on Taxation's Report and the Programme for Government's policy of ensuring that tax exiles make a fair contribution to the Exchequer.
The issues on which the consultation seeks views include:
- Whether or not, and how, the current day counting rules should be amended;
- Whether or not, and how, the day counting rules should be supplemented with other rules;
- The appropriateness of citizenship as a basis for taxation;
- Whether or not, and how, the conditions for and/or the range of application of the Domicile Levy should be changed;
- Whether or not the Domicile Levy should continue in place if the rules for determining residence were modified.
Chartered Accountants Ireland will be making a submission in response to the consultation and request that members email their views on this topic to by 2 July 2012. For further details on the consultation, see