TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

Reminder: 2012–13 Employer Annual Return Filing Deadline Approaching

All employers were due to submit their 2012–13 Employer Annual Return (Forms P35 and P14) by 19 May 2013. Even if filing forms P35 and P14 separately, all parts were due by that date.

Returns were due to be filed by that date to avoid a late filing penalty with further penalties possible for failing to file online.

The only employers who can file on paper are:

If an employer was not required to make a 2012–13 return they should still contact HMRC to advise them of this. The easiest way to do so is to use the new ‘No Employer Annual Return to make’ email notification which is available on the HMRC website.

HMRC has also updated the April 2013 Pilot Employer Supplementary Update to clarify the obligations on employers using HMRC's Basic PAYE Tools to make year-end submissions.

As an RTI employer on the pilot, the end of year filing obligations for 2012–13 is fulfilled if one of the following conditions was met by 19 May 2013:-

The above actions will ensure that those employers in the pilot will be in the same position as regards penalties for 2012–13 as employers who were not part of the RTI pilot.

Guidance on all Employer end of year tasks is available on the HMRC website.