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Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

Brief 39/14 – VAT liability catering and other services linked to education

The above Brief sets out the HMRC interim position following the decision of the Court of Appeal to grant leave to appeal against the Upper Tribunal’s decision in the Brockenhurst College case. The case concerned the VAT liability of restaurant meals provided to the public and charges for concerts and other performances put on by students as part of their further education courses.

Brockenhurst College challenged a decision rejecting voluntary disclosures for:

The FTT concluded that the supplies in question were exempt as being closely linked to education because:

HMRC disagreed with the conclusion on the basis that the supplies were outside the education exemption because the students were not the beneficiaries of the supplies in question, but only benefitted from making them. HMRC appealed to the UT.

The UT rejected HMRC’s argument and agreed with the FTT. It held that the supplies were closely related to the exempt supplies of education because they enabled the students to enjoy better education. The requirement in the domestic law for the supplies to be for the direct use of the student was met because they were of direct benefit to them.

HMRC has subsequently appealed to the Court of Appeal and the hearing is to take place from next February.

In the interim, there is no change to HMRC’s policy that such supplies are outside the scope of the educational exemption because they are enjoyed by third parties not in receipt of education. This policy will not be reviewed until the Court of Appeal releases its judgment next year.

In the meantime, HMRC will consider claims and make appropriate repayments based on the Upper Tribunal’s decision where the circumstances are exactly the same (HMRC are not making repayments in other circumstances such as where the supplies in question are linked to fully grant funded education). These repayments will be subject to protective assessments to cover the eventuality that the decision may be reversed in the Court of Appeal. However, assessments will not be enforced unless and until that eventuality occurs.

More information is available in the Brief which is published on here.