Revenue changes to MyEnquiries
Revenue has made some changes to its online MyEnquiries facility. Furthermore, Revenue has advised Chartered Accountants Ireland that taxpayers who are experiencing delays in getting a response from MyEnquiries within the 20 working days (25 working days during peak filing periods), can use the exceptional contact channel if there is an urgent need to do so. The manager in the relevant district or region will then take steps to resolve the difficulties.
The following are included in the changes, some of which appear useful:
- A facility for taxpayers and agents to archive enquiries has been added (section 8.2)
- Enhance navigation has been provided on the inbox screen (section 5.5).
- Confirmation screens will now appear when an enquiry or correspondence is submitted (section 8.7).
- When Revenue issues a response to an enquiry, an email is sent informing the taxpayer that a response has issued and can be viewed in the Enquiries Record screen (or inbox) in MyEnquiries. The entry made by the taxpayer in the ‘My reference’ field when submitting the original enquiry will be included in this notification. Revenue advises that the taxpayer’s reference number should not be included in this field as the notification is sent by unsecure email (section 8.8)
Revenue eBrief No. 42/17 on here provides further details. Chartered Accountants Ireland will continue to represent Members’ views on My Enquiries via the TALC forum.