TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

HMRC’s Digital update

Highlights of August’s digital update include an update on Making Tax Digital for Business (“MTDfB”), progress on the Agent Services project, and the announcement of a delay in the launch of the new IHT online service.

“Digital Update


The Government announced on 13 July that it will include legislation for Making Tax Digital for Business (MTDfB) in the next Finance Bill. The Finance Bill will be introduced to Parliament after the parliamentary summer recess. Details of the announcement are published in Agent Update 61 and there is further information on GOV.UK.

An “Introduction to MTDfB” Agent Talking Points will be held on Thursday 14 September. Details of how to register will be available shortly on GOV.UK Agent toolkits, digital meetings, webinars, e-learning and videos.

MTDfB – Agent Services

The controlled go live phase for Making Tax Digital for Business (MTDfB) on Income Tax Self Assessment (ITSA) has continued during the summer. A small number of agents are involved and have tested user journeys in a controlled way. Once testing has concluded and iterations have been made to user journeys, access to the service will be moved to a new agents’ account page which will allow all agents to access the services.

Looking forward into autumn, the following MTDfB – ITSA services for agents will be made available; some software vendors may also include links to these services through their products.

SA Pre-Population APIs

The SA Pre-Population API beta trial is continuing. The trial will continue into the autumn as it is providing valuable feedback to assist development of the service.

A HMRC Application Programming Interface (API) strategy and delivery update Agent Talking Points is scheduled for 12:00 on 18 August. This meeting will cover how APIs will change the way HMRC works with and supports tax software developer products used by agents. Details of how to register or view a recording of this Talking Points are available on GOV.UK Agent toolkits, digital meetings, webinars, e-learning and videos.


Work is underway to deliver wider ‘Agent Access’ to iForms. We plan to use the PAYENICOC Form, as the ‘proof of concept’ prior to deploying the solution wider. We aim to deploy the ‘proof of concept’ Mid-September.

The access model will remove the current need to ‘clone’ the iForm, depending on customer type. One iForm will present any custom agent-client data fields, based on the customer e.g. agent or individual.

The current landing page for agents (which provides a view of the information needed to complete the form) will be retained, and enhanced ‘Save & Retrieve’ functionality will provide secure access for forms that are partially completed and have been saved.

Inheritance Tax (IHT) Online

The launch of the Inheritance Tax (IHT) online service has been delayed. We have updated the information in Agent Update 61. Professional agents who act on behalf of customers should continue to use existing processes.

Venture Capital Schemes

New digital services for EIS and SEIS

A new digital service, ‘Apply to use the Venture Capital Schemes’, is now available in Private Beta (by invitation only) for unrepresented companies seeking to obtain an advance assurance for a proposed investment under the EIS, SEIS or from a Venture Capital Trust.

We are currently designing the process for companies to submit a Compliance Statement – forms EIS1 and SEIS1 – online to be available later this year, to be followed by functionality for agents to submit applications on behalf of clients.

We are keen to have as wide a representation as possible, so if your clients use the venture capital schemes and you would be interested in taking part in our research please contact our team mailbox at

Cyber Security

Cyber Security Alert

Recently HMRC was made aware of a phishing campaign targeting businesses. The emails sent to businesses has “‘Final HMRC VAT – VAT 100 Report’” in the subject line and contains a word document which is malicious. Agents should be cautious of unexpected emails or files purporting to be from HMRC.

If you think that an email is suspicious please report it to

If agents or their clients, have fallen victim to phishing and suffered financial loss, please report this to Action Fraud through their website, or on 0300 123 2040 (Please note this number will be charged at your normal network rate). They are open Monday to Friday 09:00–18:00.

Agents and their clients should visit or for further information on cyber security threats and best practice.”