ECOFIN approves a black list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions
The Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) approved and published an EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions in taxation matters at a meeting on 5 December in Brussels. ECOFIN also discussed digital tax and adopted new rules for VAT on e-commerce.
The list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions is intended to contribute to efforts to prevent tax fraud and tax evasion according to ECOFIN’s press release. Estonia, as the current president of ECOFIN noted that the list will be regularly reviewed and updated with the aim of encouraging good international tax governance.
ECOFIN also agreed on EU input to discussions at international level on a digital tax which will also serve as a reference for further work at EU level, including legislative proposals by the Commission which are expected in early 2018.
ECOFIN also adopted new rules regarding VAT on electronic commerce which will facilitate the collection of VAT when consumers buy goods and services online, including from third countries.