Updates to Revenue’s guidance
Updates to the Employers guide for PAYE
The Employers guide for PAYE has been updated to reflect a number of changes which became effective on 1 January 2019. Among the changes are an outline of the new procedures for agents relating to ROS inbox notifications, the introduction of a Revenue assessment from 1 January where an employer submits an incorrect or incomplete return and guidance on how to report a post-cessation payment relating to 2018 or prior years. You can stay informed with up-to-date information on PAYE Modernisation on our website.
Online Services and National Phone Number for PAYE Callers
Revenue’s guidance has been updated to reflect that you can now complete a Capital Acquisitions Tax return (Form IT38) online through My Account. Taxpayers can also access the My Documents section of MyAccount to view tax credit certificates and year end statements. The guidance also includes Revenue’s national phone number for PAYE callers.