Tax policies of the European parties
Although domestic tax matters are generally a matter for individual member states and outside the remit of the European Parliament, MEPs can influence the European approach. To that end all of the parties have a tax agenda included in their manifestos. Digital tax measures, taxing everyone fairly, and clamping down on tax evasion and avoidance by large corporations seem to be the common tax themes emerging from many of the European parties. It’s important to remember that the Economic and Financial Affairs Council (ECOFIN) and the European Council do regularly debate tax matters and EU tax policy requires unanimity among member states on any EU tax proposals.
The EPP – Group of the European People’s Party
The EPP, a large centre-right party, would like to see everyone taxed fairly. It wants to protect the fairness and transparency of the European tax system by working closely with member states and the OECD to fight tax evasion and eliminate tax havens.
The party wants to stop large corporations getting tax breaks and taking advantage of loopholes that are not available to every taxpayer.
The party would like to introduce a Digital Fair Tax and ensure that digital companies pay a fair share in financing Europe’s digital infrastructure.
The S&D – Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament
The S&D, a centre-left party, will continue its fight against tax evasion, tax avoidance and aggressive tax planning and proposes that profits are taxed where they are generated.
The party supports a common European approach to ensure a proper level of effective taxation. The party believes that every citizen and every company must make a fair contribution to society by respecting their tax obligations.
In terms of the environment, the party wants the EU to become a leader in renewable energies and become climate-neutral by 2050. This means that CO2 emissions must be reduced to a minimum and any remaining CO2 emissions are compensated with climate protection measures. The party believes that CO2 emissions should be taxed across the EU fairly. People who pollute should pay more taxes.
ALDE – Group of the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe
The only tax policy measures contained within centrist party ALDE’s manifesto relate to protecting the environment. The party wants the EU to become a carbon neutral economy and wants a single European energy market to be completed.
The party wants to see an end of the obsolete fuel tax exemptions for international aviation by updating the Chicago Convention. The Convention currently allows all aviation fuel used in Europe to be tax exempt. The Convention does not prohibit the taxation of aviation fuel; rather it disallows the taxation of fuel already on board an arriving aircraft.
The European Greens
The Greens, a centre-left party believe that everybody must pay their fair share in taxes because corporate tax evasion and corporate tax avoidance undermine democracy.
The party pledges to develop tax regimes that do not continue to privilege large multinational corporations and wealthy individuals. It also wants to see an end to unfair tax competition between member states. The party wants to see a strong common consolidated corporate tax base (CCCTB) for large companies and a minimum corporate tax rate. It believes that these measures would reduce harmful competition between Member States.
The party wants to introduce a digital tax in Europe as well as managing taxation on crypto currencies. It wants to introduce stronger requirements for multinational companies to report publicly where they pay taxes.
The party also wants Europe to require Member States to raise taxes on fossil fuels and also to consider environmental taxes on aviation travel and plastics at European level.