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COVID-19: job retention scheme – can agents apply on behalf of employers?

We have received the following update from HMRC in respect of agents seeking to making job retention scheme claims on behalf of employers.

“Am I authorised to complete CJRS claim for my client?

Agents who are authorised to act on behalf of clients for PAYE matters online will be able to make the claims. That means that they:

If an agent is unsure of the level of authorisation they have, they should check the list of payroll clients in their agent portal. If the client is listed as ‘confirmed’ they can make a CJRS applications on their client’s behalf. However, if they are not listed, or listed as ‘limited authorisation’ then the agent cannot currently claim on behalf of the client.

How can an agent who is not currently authorised online become authorised?

If an agent is registered with HMRC, but has not been authorised to act online for their clients in PAYE, they can seek authorisation to be able to act for the client.

Rather than using paper form FBI2 or the online agent authorisation process, agents can ask their clients to authorise them to act for PAYE through the client’s Business Tax Account. This is a faster route to ensure the right permissions are in place.

Prior steps required:

Steps for client to authorise agent

Putting in place this authorisation will enable an agent to act for the client in all PAYE matters online, not just for this scheme. So, if this authorisation is intended to be specific to the CJRS claim, you should advise your client to remove the agent access via the BTA once the claim is made.”