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Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

COVID-19: self-employed income support scheme and state aid

The guidance for this scheme has been updated as a result of changes in the State Aid section. In the updated guidance there is no longer a requirement that those eligible need to confirm they are below the €800,000 aid cap.

After amendments, the State Aid Temporary Framework now allows for “Aid in the form of wage subsidies” (section 3.10). This is distinct from the previous “Aid in form of direct grants, repayable advances or tax advantages” category (section 3.1), on which a €800,000 cap applies. As the SEISS was recently approved under section 3.10, the €800,000 cap does not apply to this scheme.

HMRC also sent the below message about the scheme.

“The claims system for the Self-Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) went live yesterday, 13 May, for eligible customers to begin to make their claims and we are pleased to say the first day of claims has proceeded smoothly. We appreciate the invaluable support you provide to your clients in helping them prepare to claim a grant under this scheme.

However, we have noticed some agents are using their client’s Government Gateway credentials to make claims on their behalf. Please don’t do this. It will trigger a fraud alert and will result in delays to receiving payment.

If you have claimed on a client’s behalf already, their payment may be delayed. If your clients are affected, they will have to contact us separately to resolve this.

As you know, our priority was ensuing we could get money to those who needed it most, as quickly as possible and directly to the individual’s bank account.”