TaxSource Total

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Electronic Filing

Revenue e-Brief No. 13/2006 22/03/06

ROS Digital Certificate Renewals

In April 2004 Revenue changed its Digital Certificate provider for the Revenue On-Line Service (ROS). At that time a large number of ROS Customers were issued with new Digital Certificates. These Certificates are now due for renewal and Revenue has recently been contacting holders of digital Certificates by e-mail and phone advising them of the need to renew their Certificates.

If these certificates are not renewed on time the old Certificate will expire and a new Digital Certificate will have to be applied for using the three-step registration process, which could cause delays in access to ROS.

When a ROS Administrator's Digital Certificate expires all associated sub-certificates are suspended until the new Certificate is issued. It is important therefore that all Digital Certificates, particularly local ROS Administrators’ Certificates, are renewed without delay.

Renewing a Digital Certificate is a simple process involving a password change. If a Certificate is due for renewal the ROS Customer, when signing-in to ROS, will be invited to renew the Certificate and change the password.

The ROS Helpdesk 1890 20 11 06 or e-mail to is available to assist in cases of difficulty e.g. if the ROS Administrator is unknown or unavailable.