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Revenue & Customs Brief 11/07

VAT schemes for luxury yachts

We are aware that various advisors are promoting VAT schemes through which private individuals incur little or no VAT on the purchase of pleasure craft (both sailing and motor vessels), particularly at the top end of the market.

The purpose of this Brief is to describe the key features of the schemes and to announce that we have serious concerns about the validity of the VAT treatment which is claimed for the schemes.

Under the schemes, the user acquires a new vessel which purportedly has ‘VAT paid’ status while, in reality, paying no VAT (or a minimal amount of VAT).

The schemes fall broadly into two categories – cross-border leasing and artificial chartering to the private funder. Both categories share the following common features:

Where there is evidence to suggest that a vessel has been supplied through one of these schemes we shall carry out a full investigation of the facts surrounding the supply and take any necessary action.

Issued 7 February 2007.