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Revenue e-Brief No. 15/2007

VAT on Property Review Project–Publication of Pro-Forma Text

As part of the public consultation on the topic of VAT on property launched by the Minister for Finance in December 2006 see under consultations, the Revenue Commissioners have published their work to date on the changes that it would be necessary to make to the text of the VAT Act to reflect the recommendations in Revenue's VAT on Property Review Project 2006 Final Report.

View the pro-forma text.

View the notes for guidance on the pro-forma text.

The purpose of this publication is to share Revenue's evolving view of how the concepts and recommendations outlined in the Report might be reflected in legislation and thereby to assist those interested in the projected changes to understand how the recommendations made in the Final Report, if implemented, would apply in somewhat greater detail. Revenue welcomes comments on this work from interested parties, which may be e-mailed to or posted to VAT Property Branch, Stamping Building, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2.

The publication of this work does not commit the Minister for Finance in relation to future proposals, if any, for legislation that he may decide, following consideration by the Government, to present to the Houses of the Oireachtas in this area. The pro forma text as published by Revenue has not been reviewed by the Office of the Parliamentary Counsel and is intended solely for the purposes of the consultation described above.

Other papers recently published in this matter may be viewed as follows: