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Revenue eBrief No. 60/2007

Clarification of relevant dates in connection with the Business Expansion Scheme (BES)

It has come to Revenue's attention that a degree of misunderstanding may exist following publication in the national newspapers, on 1st November 2007, of a Revenue Notice in relation to the Business Expansion Scheme (BES).

The Notice simply sought to advise practitioners and other interested parties that where a request for ‘Outline Approval’ of a BES application is submitted after 16th November 2007, Revenue cannot guarantee that a response will issue before the end of the current tax year, 31st December 2007.

Nothing in this Notice precludes an application for Outline Approval after the 16th November 2007 and in such cases, Revenue will make every effort to respond before 31st December 2007. However, depending on the volume of requests, this may not be possible in every instance.

Practitioners are reminded that Outline Approval is not a requirement of the scheme; rather it is a service to business, which may provide reassurance in relation to eligibility.

Outline Approval requests should be addressed to Direct Taxes – Business Incentives Branch, Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Stamping Building, Dublin Castle, Dublin 2.