TaxSource Total

Here you can access relevant source documents which support the summaries of key tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally

Source documents include:

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Revenue eBrief 12/09

Revenue On-Line Service (ROS) – developing and expanding to cater for more Revenue customers

There have been upgrades to the following ROS forms:

To upgrade to the latest version of these forms, choose the Download/Refresh option in the ROS Offline Application. Then select the Upgrade option for each form.

To check if you have the latest version of the Offline Application please go to Help/About and ensure that the application is 6.3.

Extended date for Customers who pay and file Annual Form P35 electronically

The filing date for Annual Form P35 has been extended to 23rd of February for customers who file their return and associated payment through ROS.

Form P60

A P60 template for 2008 onwards is available on the ROS online and offline application. The requirement to print P60 on special Revenue stationary has been removed.

The Revenue Online Service (ROS) is the fast, secure way to conduct business with the Revenue. 76% of timely Returns of Income 2007 were filed online.”