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Revenue & Customs Brief 68/09

VAT: Return of standard rate to 17.5 per cent on 1 January 2010 – measures to help business

This Brief explains two HMRC measures designed to assist businesses in implementing the return of the standard rate of VAT to 17.5 per cent. It also includes details of the consultation currently being carried out by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) about a proposal to amend the Price Marking Order 2004.


On 1 December 2008 the standard rate of VAT was temporarily reduced to 15 per cent. It reverts to 17.5 per cent on 1 January 2010. HMRC recognises that the date of the change may cause problems for certain businesses at a particularly busy time of year so we have introduced two measures to help business to implement the change. These are:

Further details on each of these are provided below.

1. Special accounting arrangements for businesses operating beyond midnight on 31 December 2009


The temporary reduction of the standard rate of VAT to 15 per cent ends on 31 December 2009. As is normal with changes to the VAT rate, the return to 17.5 per cent will be effective from midnight on 31 December. However, HMRC recognises that making the necessary changes to account for VAT at 17.5 per cent may cause particular problems for certain businesses operating after midnight at what can be a particularly busy time of year. For example, it would not be practical for a pub, club, restaurant or hotel hosting a New Year's Eve celebration to stop serving customers at midnight in order to adjust their tills to account for VAT at 17.5 per cent and to amend their prices accordingly.

In order to assist businesses in this position HMRC will allow them to account for VAT at 15 per cent on takings received up to the earlier of:

This treatment is subject to the following conditions:

Telecommunications Providers

As the hours around midnight on New Year's Eve are traditionally the busiest time of year for voice calls and text messages, it may similarly be difficult for telecommunications service providers to change their accounting and billing systems to take account of the change in the rate. HMRC will therefore allow VAT to be charged at 15 per cent on charges for voice calls and text messages that take place and are billed up to 6am on 1 January 2010.

2. The Light Touch

The following guidance has been given to HMRC VAT audit staff about the approach to adopt in relation to errors discovered in relation to the rate change:–

What if businesses make mistakes implementing the change of rate (light touch)?

If a business discovers that it has made material mistakes, it should correct them through the normal error correction process.

3. BIS Consultation on proposal to amend the Price Marking Order 2004

Traders are required to display clearly their prices inclusive of VAT. For a period up to 14 days, they are permitted under the Price Marking Order 2004 (SI 2004/102) to let consumers know, by way of a general notice, that an adjustment in price, to take account of the VAT change, will be made at the till.

BIS is consulting on its proposal to extend the length of time that traders can display a general notice, from 14 days to 28 days.

Source: HMRC. Copyright acknowledged.