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2009 ROS Form 11

The 2009 ROS Form 11 has been available since 1st January 2010 in both the Online and Offline ROS facilities. The Offline version is version 10.

The following note clarifies a number of issues that have been raised recently:

Income Levy

The Income Levy is charged on all relevant income at the following composite rates for the full year 2009:

While for deduction purposes under the PAYE system, the Income Levy was chargeable on relevant emoluments at different rates for the periods 1 January 2009 to 30 April 2009 and 1 May 2009 to 31 December 2009, it is the composite rates that are to apply for the purposes of calculating the Income Levy due on aggregate income. The aggregate income is charged at the composite rates with credit given for any amount of Income Levy deducted on relevant emoluments under the PAYE system.

Employment/Pension Income Details required on the Form 11

A new section is included in the Form 11. The information required is the gross amount of all employment and occupational pension income, and the amount of Income Levy deducted on this income for the following periods:

This information is contained in the 2009 Income Levy Certificate(s), which each employee will have received along with their P60 from their employer.

Where there is employment/pension income, this part of the return must be completed. Practitioners should ensure that they have this information in advance of the return filing date, as it is not possible to file a return through ROS without this information. Where a paper return is received by Revenue without this information, it will be returned for proper completion.


PRSI due on certain tax exempt income will be included in the Income Tax assessment for the years 2009 et seq.

PRSI is chargeable on the following tax exempt income:

Source: Revenue Commissioners. Copyright Acknowledged.