TaxSource Total

Here you can access relevant source documents which support the summaries of key tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally

Source documents include:

The source documents are displayed per year, per month, by jurisdiction and by title

FAQs on the use of the ROS PAYE Service by Agents for Clients

Can Agents access the ROS PAYE service for their Clients?

Yes. Through their ROS Digital Certificate, Agents have full access to ROS PAYE for any of their clients who are registered for PAYE. Revenue's online service for PAYE customers is called ‘PAYE Anytime’. Agents do not currently have access to the latest version of PAYE Anytime; however they have access to the full functionality of this service, through ROS PAYE.

How do I register as an Agent for a PAYE Client?

To register as the Agent for a PAYE taxpayer, Dublin based agents should email quoting their client's PAYE reference number, name and address and their TAIN (Tax Agent Identification Number). Agents located outside the Dublin area should contact their own Revenue District. It takes 3–4 working days for the client link to update to ROS.

How do I gain access to ROS PAYE?

As an Agent you will be able to search ROS for clients who are registered for PAYE via the PAYE-Ind tax type, as well as using all the existing Client Searches on the Agent Services page. If your client has an active PAYE registration, then a PAYE tab will be visible on the Client Services screen just above the client's name. When you click on this Tab you will be brought to the My PAYE Services screen for that customer.

How do I quit the Client's PAYE area?

A ‘Business’ Tab is displayed at the top right hand side of the My PAYE Services screen, if you click on this Tab you will be returned to the Client Services screen.

What years are available in ROS PAYE?

The current year, plus the four previous review years are available in ROS PAYE. (Please note however that if your client was not registered for PAYE during one or more of the review years, or was registered for Income Tax assessing in one or more of the review years, then such year(s) cannot be reviewed.)

What can I see/update in a Client's ROS profile?

You can enter your client's date of birth where this is not already on record and add the number of dependent children. You can also enter or amend your client's bank account details. The bank account details provided must be those of the client. On no account should Agents/Practitioners input their own or their practice's bank account in the client's record.

What can I do at the Tax Credits & Incomes Section?

As an Agent linked to your PAYE client you can complete all available PAYE transactions on behalf of your client. This means that you can view, add, amend or delete the principal Tax Credits and Incomes information currently held by Revenue for your client.

Can I access/amend a Client's spouse details?

Yes – but only if your client and their spouse are jointly assessed.

How can I request a review of a Client's PAYE for a review year?

You can request a client's PAYE Balancing Statement (P21) for one or more review years by selecting the “change year” option. Revenue will review your client's income and tax for the year(s) and issue a Balancing Statement (P21).

(NOTE: this facility is available for clients who had PAYE income only in a review year. If clients were registered for Income Tax in any year, then they should complete a Form 11 for that year.)

How do I view my Client's Pay & Tax Details on ROS PAYE? Can I access my Client's P60 on ROS PAYE?

You can view details of your client's taxable pay and tax paid for a review year by selecting the Pay & Tax tab. A client's P60 cannot be viewed in ROS PAYE.

Can I view Correspondence submitted by a Client?

No – but you can view the dates of any written correspondence to/from your client by selecting the ‘Info Services’ Tab on the My PAYE Services screen.

If a Client is registered for PAYE anytime and has opted to receive correspondence electronically can I view this correspondence?

A paper copy of PAYE correspondence is sent to an Agent even in cases where a PAYE customer has opted to receive correspondence electronically. In addition, the Agent can view the contents of the customer's PAYE Inbox.

It should be noted that PAYE-related correspondence is not available in the Agent or Client ROS Inbox, which holds only business correspondence.

Can Agents restrict Access Control to PAYE Services?

An Agent can restrict sub-users from accessing PAYE Services on ROS PAYE. “PAYE-Ind” is available on the Administration Services screen as a tax type, so a ROS Administrator can grant “File”, “Prepare”, “View” or “No” permissions to their sub-users.

Source: Revenue Copyright Acknowledged.