TaxSource Total

Here you can access relevant source documents which support the summaries of key tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally

Source documents include:

The source documents are displayed per year, per month, by jurisdiction and by title

Corporation Tax Agents: Getting an Agent Code and Changing Your Details

All tax agents and advisers who want to act on behalf of companies and organisations that are liable for Corporation Tax require a national agent code. Agent code requests and written requests to change Corporation Tax agent details are now dealt with by a centralised team based in Longbenton.

Agent codes

You must have an agent code for Corporation Tax before you can set up client authorisations using HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) online agent authorisation process or paper form 64-8.

To request an agent code from HMRC you need to supply your:

All Corporation Tax agent code requests must be made in writing and sent to:

HM Revenue & Customs

Central Agent Authorisation Team

Agent Maintainer

Benton Park View


Newcastle upon Tyne

NE98 1ZZ

New agent codes will be sent to you by letter. Once you have a code, it should be used in all online agent authorisations and on paper 64-8 forms.

The Central Agent Authorisation Team is responsible for creating Corporation Tax agent records and keeping them up to date. Centralising this process will help HMRC provide a more efficient, effective and consistent customer service.

Updating your agent details

You need to tell HMRC about any changes to your:

You'll also need to tell HMRC if your firm merges or takes over another agent's business. You can make some changes to your communication details online – for example your email address-but other changes must be made in writing and sent to HMRC at the above address.

There may be exceptional circumstances when your need to discuss issues around this process. HMRC are looking at the best way to do this and will provide an update in the near future.

Source: Copyright Acknowledged.