TaxSource Total

Here you can access relevant source documents which support the summaries of key tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally

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eBrief No. 83/10-ROS Form 11 2009

Two issues have been identified in relation to the 2009 Form 11.

Restriction on the use of reliefs by high-income individuals

An error has arisen in the calculation of income tax due on both the ROS on-line and ROS off-line Form 11. The error arises where the limitation on the use of reliefs by high-income individuals applies and the individual has Irish deposit interest, which has suffered DIRT. In certain circumstances, the amount of Irish deposit interest brought into charge is less than the correct amount.

Unfortunately, as it will not be possible to fix this error until after the return filing deadline, the amount of tax due shown on the Form 11 and the Notice of Assessment will be understated.

All affected returns will be identified and amended notices of assessment showing the correct liability will issue as soon as possible after the assessing programme has been updated.

Foreign Income in excess of €3,000,000

There are three fields in the Foreign Income Panel for which the assessing programme will only assess €3,000,000. These are:

(Note: line numbers refer to the paper Form 11 2009).

Where the income from any of these sources exceeds €3,000,000 the income should be entered at another suitable field. For example, ‘Income from Foreign Trade/Profession on which foreign tax was deducted’-line 311(a)-could be input at ‘Income from Foreign Trade/Profession on which no foreign tax was deducted’-line 310,-and the amount of foreign tax deducted entered at ‘Additional Double Taxation Relief due’-line 320(a).

Source: Revenue Commissioners.