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Revenue eBrief No. 100/10 European Union (Value-Added Tax) Regulations 2010 (S.I. 612 of 2010)

The European Union (Value-Added Tax) Regulations 2010 (S.I. 612 of 2010) the Value-Added Tax Consolidation Act 2010 to provide for the transposition of three European Union Directives, which are required to be transposed into Irish law.

These regulations concern:

Transposition of the 2011 changes to the Place of Supply Rules

Article 3 of Directive 2008/8/EC introduces further changes to the place of supply rules for services, following on from the substantial changes introduced in January 2010. From 1 January 2011:

An information leaflet will be issued in January to give further guidance on how this operates. The leaflet will take account of ongoing discussions at EU level to agree a common interpretation in each Member State to ensure that neither non-taxation nor double taxation arises.

Transposition of the Technical Directive

Council Directive 2009/162/EU amends various provisions relating to imports and supplies of gas through the natural gas distribution system, or electricity or heating and cooling energy through heating and cooling networks; the importation by, or supply of goods to, certain designated bodies under EU Protocol procedures and certain other international bodies; and tax deductibility on immovable property used for both taxable and private purposes. These provisions come into effect on 1 January.

Transposition of New Refunds Directive

The Regulations also legislate for the exceptional extension agreed in October by the Council of Ministers in respect of claims for intra-Community VAT refunds for 2009. The time limit for the making of claims has been extended until 31 March 2011 from 30 September 2010.

Source: Revenue Commissioners.