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Revenue eBrief No. 12/11 Changes to the Operation of Relevant Contracts Tax (RCT)

On Budget day, 7 December 2010, the Minister for Finance announced that significant reforms would be made to the Relevant Contracts Tax (RCT) scheme to enhance its effectiveness, reduce opportunities for fraud and help decrease the administrative burden for businesses and Revenue. The Finance Act (enacted on 6 February 2011) gives a legislative base to the reform of the RCT scheme. The provisions are contained in Section 20 of the Act. In essence, the Finance Act amends the Taxes Consolidation Act in Chapter 2 of Part 18 by inserting twenty-two new sections after Section 530. These sections comprise a new scheme of RCT, which will replace the current scheme on a date yet to be decided.

The key elements of the new scheme as outlined in the Act are:

The following is an overview of how the new scheme is expected to work. It should be remembered that all contacts between the principal and Revenue will be through an on-line process.

Revenue is currently working on the design of the new scheme, which will have an impact on the sectors where RCT applies i.e. Construction, Meat Processing and Forestry. To underpin the implementation of these major changes, Revenue is engaging with key stakeholders including the Tax Advisory Liaison Committee Sub Group on RCT set up for this purpose.

Source: Revenue Commissioners.