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Employment Bulletin

The Employment-Related Shares & Securities Bulletin provides information and updates on developments relating to employment-related securities, including the tax-advantaged employee share schemes.

This bulletin contains articles on:

  1. Quick response to enquiries – a trial
  2. Academics and spin-out companies

Enquiries about the content of this bulletin should be addressed to:

Hasmukh Dodia

Employee Shares & Securities Unit

HMRC Room G53

100 Parliament Street




The Bulletin will be published as and when sufficient articles or updates are available, or when HMRC has an item that it wishes to bring to your attention quickly. We welcome any suggestions for future articles although we cannot guarantee publication.

A reference to ITEPA is a reference to the Income Tax (Earnings & Pensions) Act 2003 as amended.

1. Quick response to enquiries – a trial

HMRC is aware that customers sometimes need a quick response to enquiries in relation to the tax-advantaged share schemes. It has worked with members of the ERS Forum Tax Advantaged Share Schemes sub-group to design a ‘quick HMRC response’ arrangement for certain enquiries, which will start on a four month trial basis from 14 January 2013. This trial will help HMRC assess whether to offer such an arrangement on a permanent basis.

The terms of the trial are as follows:

To be included in the trial, queries must meet the following requirements:

Throughout the period of the trial HMRC will monitor:

We will also seek feedback from members of the Tax Advantaged Share Schemes sub group and other customers who take part in the trial. The outcomes of the trial will be reported in September 2013.

2. Academics and spin-out companies

In December 2012, the Government announced that it intends to review whether the tax rules for research institution spin-out companies, which can be found at Chapter 4A of ITEPA, remain relevant to arrangements under which such research institutions commercialise intellectual property. Further details can be found at

HMRC is seeking detailed evidence on this point, which can be sent to In addition, HMRC will consider requests for meetings with stakeholders with an interest in this area, and requests for such meetings can be sent to the same email address.

Source: HMRC. Copyright Acknowledged.