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Revenue eBrief No. 84/15 VAT – Portfolio Management Services: Revenue’s position following the decision of the CJEU in Deutsche Bank AG (Case C-44/11)

The purpose of this eBrief is to advise portfolio investment managers that Part 05.70 of the VAT Manual has been updated to set out the revised VAT treatment applying to portfolio management services following the decision of the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) in Deutsche Bank AG (Case C-44/11).

The CJEU held that discretionary portfolio management services such as those provided by Deutsche Bank should be treated as a single service and subject to VAT. Prior to the decision of the CJEU, Revenue understood that portfolio management services were comprised of several separate elements. The VAT manual provides guidance on the revised VAT treatment applicable.

Source: Revenue Commissioners. Copyright Acknowledged.