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Revenue eTax Clearance Certificate (eTC)

eTax Clearance (eTC) is being introduced in December 2015. The 2 key changes are1:-

From early December eTC will be available to business, PAYE and non-resident customers with an Irish registration number. The new system will provide updated online application screens for business customers via the Revenue Online Service (ROS), and for PAYE customers via the new ‘myAccount’ service.

There is no change to the current process for customers that are not registered for Irish tax, i.e. non-residents or some community/voluntary groups. These applications will continue to be processed by the Collector General’s Office.

Applications in eTC will be processed in real time. Applicants who are tax compliant will receive a Tax Clearance Access Number, which along with their PPSN/Reference number they must provide to a third party to verify their tax clearance details. eTC will produce electronic output – in ROS or myAccount – and customers will have the facility to print their electronic tax clearance certificate from the screens, if required. (See sample eTax Clearance Certificate below.)

Tax clearance will be regularly reviewed and where a customer becomes non-compliant, the electronic tax clearance certificate may be rescinded (withdrawn). Where a tax clearance certificate is rescinded, and tax clearance is required at a future date, the customer will have to reapply online for tax clearance.

Third party users will verify an eTax Clearance Certificate using the applicant’s Tax Clearance Access Number and PPSN/Reference number via ROS or the Government Networks.

Further information on the eTax Clearance system can be found on the revenue website here:

Source: Revenue Commissioners. Copyright Acknowledged.

1 Changes are in line with the legislative provisions of Section 95 of the Finance Act 2014.