TaxSource Total

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Revenue eBrief No. 46/16 Corporation Tax (CT1) Returns for 2015 and 2016, Forms 46G (Company)

The Corporation Tax Return for accounting periods ending in 2016 was released over the weekend of April 9th, and is now available for filing through both ROS online and ROS offline. The main changes to the return this year are as follows:

Release of Form 46G (Company) for accounting periods ending in 2016

The ROS online and ROS offline Form 46G (Company) for 2016 was also released over the weekend of April 9th. There is a problem uploading the offline form but we expect to resolve this issue shortly.

An updated version of the 46G Return Tool (spreadsheet) will be available directly from in the near future. This will cater for accounting periods ending in 2016 and for the 2015 year of assessment. The existing 46G Return Tool may continue to be used by customers for accounting periods ending in 2015 and prior, and for the 2014 year of assessment and prior. A further eBrief will advise customers and agents when the updated version is available.

Source: Revenue Commissioners. Copyright Acknowledged.