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Revenue eBrief No. 57/16 On-Line Payment of Taxes – myAccount

myAccount – a new way for Revenue customers to pay their taxes on-line.

With effect from 11 June 2016, Revenue is providing a new on-line payment facility via myAccount. The new facility will enable non-ROS customers to make on-line payments of tax, interest and penalties for a wide range of taxes and ‘other payments’ (See Appendix for Details). The new system will also facilitate the on-line payment of liabilities arising on foot of Audit (for example, where a part payment is made in advance of the liability being fully agreed/quantified) and where a customer has been served with a Notice of Attachment.

Full details are set out in Section 3 of Tax and Duty Manual: On-line Payments on myAccount and ROS.

Source: Revenue Commissioners. Copyright Acknowledged.