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Revenue change in banking payments

TALC Update – Revenue & Danske Bank transition

In 2018, Revenue was part of the Government wide tender run by the Office of Government Procurement (OGP) for the provision of banking services to Government departments. The OGP tender process resulted in Danske Bank being awarded the contract.

Revenue has commenced a project for the transition of commercial bank accounts with existing providers BOI and AIB to Danske Bank. This project will be completed on a phased basis with the bank accounts used for EFT payments being the first category to move to Danske, with an expected go-live for the new Danske accounts of 1st Oct 2019.

Over the coming months, Revenue will be closing all existing EFT accounts with BOI and AIB. We will be commencing a communications campaign advising customers who make payments via EFT of the account closures and providing details on how to avail of alternative online payment methods. A similar communications campaign is planned at a later stage for the much smaller number of customers paying Revenue by cheque.

Customers have an obligation under S917EA TCA 1997 to file and pay their taxes online with the only exceptions being for (1) non-residents, (2) those who have been granted an exemption from mandatory e-filing from Revenue. In addition, pending an IT development in early 2020, VRT customers can avail of the EFT payment option via the existing payment notification process.

Mandatory eFiling regulations specify that ‘payment shall be made by such electronic means as are required by Revenue’. In this context payment by electronic means as required by Revenue is an electronic payment made via ROS/my Account, and/or Direct Debit. Electronic payment includes a number of different payment options such as debit or credit card, single or recurring debit instruction. Payment by EFT is not deemed to be a payment by electronic means as required by Revenue.The many advantages of paying online for taxpayers include:

The main disadvantages of not paying online include:

Source: Revenue Commissioners Copyright Acknowledged