Revenue Note for Guidance
This section applies a 2 way ring-fence, for group relief purposes, with respect to profits and losses from petroleum activities. (The group relief provisions allow for the set-off, against the profits of a company in a group, of trading losses incurred and certain other amounts paid by another company in the same group. Both companies must be Irish resident companies.)
In effect, the section restricts group relief that may be claimed against petroleum profits to trading losses and surplus charges on income but only where these relate to a surrendering company’s own petroleum trade.
(1) The meanings of “claimant company” and “surrendering company” in section 411 are adopted for the purposes of this section.
(2) Provision is made to ensure that —
The 2 way ring-fence is completed by providing that where the surrendering company incurs trading losses in its petroleum trade, or has an excess of charges on income consisting of payments made wholly and exclusively for the purposes of such a trade, those losses or excess charges cannot be allowed against the profits other than its petroleum profits (if any).
Relevant Date: Finance Act 2019