Taxes Consolidation Act, 1997 (as amended up to and including Finance Act 2019)
- Section 450 — [Double taxation relief.] [section deleted]
- Section 451 — [Treatment of income and gains of certain trading operations carried on in Custom House Docks Area from investments held outside the State.] [section deleted]
- Section 452 — Application of section 130 to certain interest.
- Section 452A — Application of section 130 of Principal Act to certain non-yearly interest.
- Section 453 — [Transactions between associated persons.] [section deleted]
- Section 454 — [Restriction of certain charges on income.] [section deleted]
- Section 455 — [Restriction of certain losses.] [section deleted]
- Section 456 — [Restriction of group relief.] [section deleted]
- Section 457 — [Application of section 448 where profits are charged to corporation tax at the reduced rate.] [section deleted]
- Section 458
— Deductions allowed in ascertaining taxable income and provisions relating to reductions in tax.
- Section 459 — General provisions relating to allowances, deductions and reliefs.