Revenue Tax Briefing Issue 27, August 1997
Section 2 of the VAT Act imposes a charge to VAT
It is recognised that complexities in this legislation, for example transactions involving foreign traders, can give rise to interpretative difficulties. Notwithstanding such difficulties there is an obligation on the parties involved in such transactions to ensure that the legislation is correctly applied.
In a growing number of significant transactions unilateral or, bilateral decisions have been made not to operate the VAT system on the basis that ‘no loss arises to the Exchequer’. There is of course, no basis in law for this approach and such a claim is not acceptable as a basis for failing to account for VAT. Whereas in the past Revenue has settled ‘no VAT loss of revenue’ cases without insisting on the strict application of the law; that position will not apply to transactions entered into on or after 1 September 1997.
Revenue’s revised attitude to such cases is essential to ensure that:
Without prejudice to future practice as outlined above the ‘no VAT loss’ cases already identified and under consideration will be settled in line with earlier practice. This means that in cases with pre 1 September 1997 ‘no VAT loss’ transactions Revenue will not seek VAT recovery unless, of course, there was an actual loss of VAT. To ensure all cases in this category are processed in a similar manner and at the earliest date possible practitioners are invited to voluntarily disclose all other cases of this nature to the relevant Audit District Manager as soon as possible, preferably before 1 October 1997.