Finance Bill 2009
The Bill has been debated in Seanad Eireann. As there were no Report Stage amendments made to the Bill, the Finance Bill 2009, as amended in the Select Committee on Finance and the Public Service, is the version sent to the Seanad.
Over the course of the debates, the Minister for Finance signaled that he was aware of the inconsistencies and complexities of the Income Levy arrangements and that there was a need in the future to bring the taxes collected via the Income Levy within the normal Income Tax rules. Finance Bill 2009, as amended in the Select Committee on Finance and the Public Service is available at
ICAI Commentary on Second Stage and Committee Stage amendments is available in Section 2.01.
Finance Bill 2009 was signed by President McAleese on 3 June and has accordingly become law.
Revenue Guidance
Revenue have issued a Briefing Note on the new intangibles relief, which includes examples. The Briefing Note on the Intangibles is reproduced at Section 2.02.
In addition, in eBrief No 31/09 Revenue advise that details of the Stamp Duty ‘trade-in’ scheme are contained in Part 5 of the Revenue's Stamp Duty Manual. eBrief No. 31/09, which includes a link to the Stamp Duty Manual, is available at