TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

1.14 Business Expansion Scheme (BES) – Annual Reminder in Respect of Requests for ‘Outline Approval’

EBrief No. 79/09 advises companies who intend to raise BES investments on or before 31 December 2009, and who wish to obtain advance approval from Revenue in respect of such a share issue, to submit a completed ‘RICT Outline’ Form on or before 18 November 2009. Alternatively, agents may submit the completed form on behalf of their clients.

Revenue cannot guarantee that a response will issue before the end of the current tax year where a request for ‘Outline Approval’ is submitted after 18 November 2009. While Revenue will make every effort to respond before 31 December 2009, depending on the volume of requests, this may not be possible in every instance.

Practitioners and taxpayers are reminded that ‘Outline Approval’ is not a requirement of the BES scheme but rather a service which may provide reassurance in relation to eligibility.

RICT Outline’ Forms may be downloaded from the Revenue website at: Taxes & Duties > Income Tax > Forms > Claim Forms.

Completed forms should be sent directly to Revenue at:

Office of the Revenue Commissioners,

Business Incentives Branch,

Corporate Business & International Division,

Dublin Castle,

Dublin 2.

The full eBrief is re produced below at 2.06.