Launch of New Employment Incentive - JobsPlus
The Government's latest jobs incentive scheme, JobsPlus was launched last month. The incentive provides a payment of €7,500 over two years to an employer for each person recruited who has been unemployed for more than 12 but less than 24 months or a payment of €10,000 over two years to an employer for each person recruited who has been unemployed for more than 24 months. The new Incentive will be payable monthly in arrears.
JobsPlus replaces the Revenue Job Assist and Employer Job (PRSI) Exemption Scheme which is abolished for any employments commencing on or after 1 July 2013. Tax relief under the Job Assist Scheme will continue to be available for successful claims processed for employments that commenced on or before 30 June 2013 until the end of their natural lifecycle.