TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

Self-assessment Deadline

In a news release issued on Friday 31 January, ‘the 2012–13 self-assessment deadline’, HMRC stressed that the deadline had not been extended; tax returns and any tax due should have been received by HMRC by midnight on that day.

However according to the press release, if someone registered for HMRC’s Online Service, or existing taxpayers lost their User ID or password and realised they left it too late to apply again, HMRC “will allow a bit of extra time for this information to be received”. What exactly that means is not clear from the press release. However, this apparent concession only applies to taxpayers who did the following between midnight on 21 January and midnight on 31 January 2014:

  • enrolled for the Self-Assessment online service, or
  • requested a replacement user ID or password