TaxSource Total

Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

The report of key tax developments are displayed per year, per month, by Ireland, the UK or International and by report title

ROS Issues

In eBrief No. 16/14 Revenue addresses some current ROS issues in relation to pension relief calculations, updates to the Admin Services pages and eRegistration error messages.

ROS Pension Relief Calculations

Revenue are reviewing the Pension Relief Calculator in the ROS Form 11 2013, where a taxpayer has made a pension contribution in respect of their General Medical Service (GMS) income. An eBrief is expected to issue advising of the correct approach to adopt in completing this section of the Form 11.

Error Message when eRegistering Clients for Income Tax

In response to reports from practitioners of error messages on the eRegistration Income Tax system, Revenue advises in eBrief No. 16/14 that when the message “Registration Currently Unavailable” appears, it is usually when the option to “Create a New Registration” is selected but the individual is already registered with Revenue, generally for PAYE. In these instances, agents should instead select “Manage Existing Registrations” and select “PAYE” as the existing registration and proceed with the Income Tax registration.

ROS Administration Services Pages

New functionality has been added to the Administration Services pages in relation to permissions to access the Secure Upload/Download Service on ROS.