AOSS December update
The latest update on the Agent Online Self Serve project is available.
“Agent Online Self Serve (AOSS) December Update
Agents volunteering for AOSS private beta trial
Registration for agents volunteering to take part in the AOSS private beta service for PAYE liabilities and payments closed on 11 December 2015. Approximately 1500 agents registered to join the trial, with 900+ using the service. Registered agents who have yet to use the service will be emailed and reminded about the opportunity to participate in the trail.
Prototype of AOSS advert on HMRC Online Services Portal
An AOSS advert to appear on the HMRC Online Services portal, is under development. The advert will invite agents who meet the client limit criteria to join the private beta service for PAYE liabilities and payments. Agents will have the opportunity to register for AOSS, accessing the “Agents’ Home Page” from where they can view PAYE liabilities and payments and register for other online HMRC services.
Testing of the advert and AOSS agent journey will start in February 2016. A promotional link providing access to the advert will be sent to agents on the HMRC agent database and also promoted via the Tax Agent Blog.
To enable capacity testing there will be a limit on the number of agents joining the service each day. Capacity will be increased throughout the month. Agents who cannot access the service because the daily limit has been reached will be invited to try on another day, and redirected to HMRC’s Online Services portal. Agents who cannot access the service because they exceed the client limit will be informed and also redirected to HMRC’s Online Services portal.
Next Steps
When testing is completed, the advert will be released on HMRC’s portal. This will provide larger numbers of agents the opportunity to join the AOSS private beta trial of PAYE liabilities and payments each time they access HMRC’s Online Services.
Current plans are to move the private beta service into public beta in Spring 2016.
Professional bodies will be advised when the promotional link to the advert is being launched and agents will also be informed via the Tax Agent Blog.”