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Here you can access summary of the key current tax developments in Ireland, the UK and internationally as reported by Chartered Accountants Ireland

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OECD’s Task Force on tax & development and the Global Forum on Transfer Pricing

Meetings took place recently of both the Task Force on Tax and Development and the Global Forum on Transfer Pricing. The meetings gathered over 230 participants representing 84 jurisdictions and 11 international and regional organisations.

The Task Force on Tax and Development brought together over 180 participants from government, international and regional organisations, business and civil society. The new inclusive framework for BEPS implementation to ensure it meets the needs of developing countries was discussed. The meeting also addressed the capacity building activities currently being undertaken including the Tax Inspectors Without Borders programme and the commitments derived from the Addis Tax Initiative launched at the Financing for Development summit held in Ethiopia in July 2015. An overview of the main contents of the discussions at the Task Force on Tax and Development meeting is available in the co-chairs’ statement of outcomes.

The 5th Global Forum on Transfer Pricing saw the active participation of more than 220 senior government tax officials and representatives from international and regional organisations. The Forum focused primarily on the practical impact of the revisions to the Transfer Pricing Guidelines and the challenges of implementing the transfer pricing measures resulting from the BEPS Project. In particular, through a mix of presentations and a detailed case study, participants put into practice the new framework for analysing risk for transfer pricing purposes, focusing on hard-to-value intangibles and low value-adding intragroup services. The performance of benchmarking analysis, as well as the importance of and future work on risk assessment were also addressed.